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Our mission is to help campers develop French oral, grammar, and writing skills. Regardless of the student’s experience, the program covers the basics making it suitable for all levels. Each session features a seminar along with a wide range of educational games. Campers will also learn about French culture, cuisine, and art. By the end of the course, students will have expanded their vocabulary, gained a working understanding of the French language, and learnt the basics of syntax and grammar.


  • Campers will learn the skills to increase their confidence in French in their lives, from classroom expertise to daily interactions with others.

  • Campers will work to acquire specific grammar skills that will increase the quality of their writing, speech, and comprehension.

  • Campers will learn about French culture around the world and understand the relevance of the language.

  • Campers will present a public speech in French on the topic of their choice.


  • Introductory games or exercises to introduce language-based concepts and increase confidence in group settings (20 minutes)

  • Lessons or seminars on various topics, from grammar to French culture to public speaking (30 minutes)

  • Practice of skills learnt in today’s session (30 minutes)

  • Review of previous class skills to ensure proficiency and continuity between lessons (10 minutes)


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